Stroke Symptoms typically come on very quickly. And while not every person will experience all of the same symptoms, the most common initial signs and symptoms of a stroke may be: Numbness, paralysis or weakness of either the face arm or even leg. Sometimes numbness also occurs in the area of the neck. The sensation is often described as tingling or as being hot to the touch. The person then begins to fall asleep, although they may struggle to get to sleep. These signs are rather unnoticeable to the person who is affected, and for many people go unnoticed.
Stroke Symptoms can be broken down into the four main categories of “moderated”. These are: Central Nervous System, which is basically a section of your brain that controls your body’s organs; Circulatory, which deals with the flow of blood and nutrients throughout your body; Motoric, which deals with the movement of muscles, and Sensory, which refers to the sense of touch. When a person experiences any of these symptoms, it is generally thought that this is due to a problem in one or more of these four areas of the brain. While this is true, there is reason to believe that other areas could be malfunctioning simultaneously.
Stroke Symptoms in women may include difficulty walking with pain or a limp. Because men have just one section of their brain, and women have two, they tend to experience more problems with each area. This is especially true in cases where the stroke has affected both sides of the brain. Women may also experience problems with the vision, speech and swallowing.
Another sign of possible stroke symptoms in women is drooping eyelids, also known as a drooping eyelid. Because women have two eyes rather than one, their eyes tend to droop slightly when they become fatigued. Drooping eyelids can signal the onset of weakness in the eye muscles. If you droop your eyelids when you are tired or are lying in bed, this can be a big sign of problems elsewhere in the body. Many people experience this but it is important to consult with a physician to confirm it.
One of the more serious Stroke Symptoms in women is speech difficulty. Although talking is not technically part of the definition of brain surgery, many who have suffered a stroke will never regain complete use of their speaking abilities. They may be able to say the simple phrase, “Hello,” or say the word “you” but it is very rare for them to be able to string together a sentence containing more than one word. Also, if they cannot form a complete sentence, they will usually give up and request that someone else take them to a speech therapist. If the victim has speech difficulties, they may also need to call 911 for help.
Another set of symptoms is called orthostatic hypotension. This refers to the sudden drop in blood pressure that can happen even if there is no physical reason for it. Some of these signs include feeling light headed, sweating, dizziness or fainting. This happens when the blood flow to the brain is temporarily stopped due to a decreased blood pressure in the brain, which then causes long-term neurological damage.
Stroke Symptoms can also be found in patients with high blood pressure. When a blood vessel is cut or blocked by the blood, the brain cells do not receive oxygen and nutrients that they normally use. These cells eventually die and are replaced by new ones from the stored blood in the arteries. However, the new blood will be loaded with too much protein and calcium, which cause the arteries to harden and eventually enlarge again, making it even harder to get blood to the brain. If the artery becomes very large, it can break off and travel to other parts of your body, causing similar symptoms as those of a stroke.
Stroke Symptoms may also appear if the blood supply to a particular vessel is cut off. The result is the same – a decrease in blood flow and death from brain-related issues will occur. You may feel numbness or tingling in the area where the artery is blocked. You may see a change in behavior – you may become fidgety or have trouble concentrating. Sometimes, you may fall asleep or pass out right away. If any of these warning signs occur, you should definitely call 911 for emergency help right away.
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