Not all forms of cancer are curable, although advances have been made toward finding cures for many forms. Most forms of cancer are not life-threatening, although some cancers can lead to death. There are several different kinds of cancers that people may contract.
Cancer is usually not common in younger adults, but there are a wide range of different cancer types that can occur in this age category and treating these common cancers can sometimes be difficult. Most common cancers occur in elderly adults. The most common cancers occurring in older individuals are lung, skin, colon and rectum cancer, breast (in both women and men), and prostate (especially in men). There are also forms of cancer that affect only one gender or the other, such as leukemia and lymphoma.
One of the more unusual forms of cancer is testicular cancer, which is uncommon in younger men. Testicular cancer, also known as “cancer of the scrotum”, affects older men and commonly produces lumpy masses. Other forms of tumors that only affect males include sponges, cauliflowers, gallbladder disorders, oral cavities and bumps on the penis that are painful or cause irritation. Often, testicular cancer is related to another condition and it’s important to make an appointment with your doctor to determine the best course of treatment.
Some risk factors for developing cancer can be controlled or improved by working to reduce the risk of cancer. These include: a family history of cancer, being male, having increased risk of certain types of cancers, living in a smoke-filled environment, and a family history of some other disease or condition. Other risk factors that can reduce or increase the risk of developing cancer include: a poor diet, a poor lifestyle, age over 50, obesity, a sedentary lifestyle and some sun exposure.
While most types of cancers are more common among adults than children, there are some types of cancers that affect children and adults that have rare risks. The two most common childhood cancers that affect both children and adults are breast and squamous cell lung cancer. Children may also develop melanoma, basal cell cancer, non-Hodgkins lymphoma (NHL) and other rare types of cancers.
Two of the more common cancers that affect adults and children are gastrointestinal and cervical cancers. Some types of gastrointestinal cancers, such as colorectal cancer, also occur more often in adults. Intestinal cancer occurs less often in adults than children, although it does occur. Some types of intestinal cancer occur more often in women than in men, while others are common in both genders.
The most prevalent cancer type that affects both men and women is colon cancer. The five leading types of colon cancer are: adenocarcinoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Colon or Rectal Cancer, Liver Cancers, and Stomach or Liver Cancer. As with other cancers, the risk factor for developing colorectal cancer or any of the other five is believed to be a genetic factor. In addition, environmental factors such as smoking, use of asbestos, or use of drugs including anabolic steroids may lead to increased risk of developing one of these five.
If you have had or currently have colorectal cancer or any other type of cancer, there are some symptoms to be aware of. These include; blood in the stool, diarrhea, or loose stools, stomach pain or discomfort, weight loss, abdominal swelling or pain, fever, nausea or vomiting, and constant tiredness. Because the symptoms of these diseases are similar to those of other digestive problems, people who are at risk should also see a doctor for a complete medical exam. With the exception of abdominal swelling and blood in the stool, these symptoms usually indicate that the person has another illness unrelated to the digestive tract and is pressing on vital organs. Because they can be life-threatening, individuals experiencing these symptoms should immediately contact their doctor or health care provider and arrange an appointment.
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