Types of cancers are one of the most common types of illnesses that affect humans. There are two to three types of cancers that affect the human body and these include: lung cancer, breast cancer, and leukemia. Lung cancer is the most common type of cancer that is diagnosed and it accounts for approximately eight percent of all cancer cases in the United States. Breast cancer is the second most common type of cancer in the United States and accounts for approximately five percent of all cancer cases. The types of cancer that you have as well as your risk of developing certain types of cancer depends on a number of factors.
Leukemia is one of the most common types of cancer that occurs in children and adults. Leukemia is an inherited abnormality that is usually characterized by swollen lymph nodes in the childhood and early adolescence stage. Children who suffer from leukemia may exhibit increased risks of developing heart problems, strokes, infertility and short stature. Lung cancers are also common in children and are usually associated with exposure to asbestos and other toxins. Although some cancers can only occur in adults such as renal cell carcinoma, melanoma and non-Hodgkins lymphoma, most cancers occur in childhood or adolescence and are considered to be part of the leukemic disease family.
The second most common of the types of cancer that occur in humans is intestinal cancer. Intestinal cancer usually occurs in the younger adults and is more commonly related to diet and food intake than any other factors. This type of cancer is most often found in white people but is not exclusive to them. Approximately half of all intestinal cancers in adults are the non-Hodgkins type, which means that they do not have a history of eating chicken or other sources of proteins like meat. The other half are the Crohn’s Disease type which is exclusive to adults and that occurs when the immune system attacks the intestine.
Brain tumors are also one of the types of cancer that frequently affect young adults. However, this is not due to any age-related decline in immunity, but rather due to the high number of different types of brain tumors that can affect people at various ages. Tumors found in the brain can be either benign or malignant. Benign tumors are usually discovered during routine checks or through the use of a biopsy tool. Malignant tumors tend to be more difficult to detect during routine checks and biopsies.
Some types of cancers are more common among people who are older than the average and are more prevalent in certain groups. As we age, our bodies change and our risk factors for many types of cancer tend to increase. However, the risk factors tend to vary by race and ethnic group. For example, breast cancers tend to be more common in women and gastrointestinal (including stomach, intestinal and prostate) cancers in men.
One of the most common types of childhood cancers that tends to affect people in their 20s is osteosarcoma. This tends to occur when a tissue is deprived of oxygen and nutrient. Osteosarcoma usually occurs in areas of the bone known as the joints.
Two other common types of cancer occur in older adults. These cancers occur in the lungs or on the liver. The lung cancers are usually more common in those who smoke heavily and/or have chronic bronchitis. In the liver, this is usually seen in those who consume alcohol or have liver disease. While both of these types of cancer occur in older adults, they tend to appear later in life, after years of being inactive. Many researchers believe that this is due to decreased activity of the lungs and liver in those who have been inactive.
If you have been diagnosed with any of the conditions above, there is a strong chance that you also may have testicular cancer. Testicular cancer is the second most common cancer found in men after lung cancer. It tends to affect those who are middle aged or older and those who are overweight.
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