The types of cancers commonly seen in adults include cancers of the breast, skin, cervix, rectum, lung, kidney, esophagus, bladder, pancreas, liver, stomach and prostate. A majority of cancer deaths each year are caused by these types of cancers. Of all the cancers adults suffer with the most common type is prostate cancer. While it affects men mostly with early age, women develop it at a young age and are more prone to die from it.
There are several types of tumors that can grow in the testicles or ovaries and these include testicular cancer, pelvic cell cancer and abdominal adenocarcinoma. The testicular cancer is known to be the second leading cause of death in men behind skin cancer. This type of cancer mainly affects middle-aged men and the cases are mainly attributed to exposure to asbestos. Pelvic cell carcinoma and abdominal adenocarcinoma are also causes of death for both men and women although testicular cancer is the leading cause of death in men. Testicular tumors happen when germ cells grow rapidly in testicular tissues and these include non-cancerous and malignant tumors.
There are several types of tumors that grow on the lymph nodes and these include lymphomas, leukemia and myeloid leukemia. Lymph nodes affected by cancerous growths show symptoms similar to those of solid tumors. Lymph nodes affected by lymphomas produce abnormal white blood cells known as monocytes and also inflammatory cells known as macrophages. Myeloid leukemia is an aggressive form of cancer that affects the myeloid cells. People with this condition usually have no symptoms.
While most types of cancers develop slowly over time, there are some types of cancers that spread quickly. One of the most common cancers in adults that occurs very quickly is leukemia. Leukemia is a blood cancer that occurs in the blood and develops very quickly in childhood or in adulthood. Children who have this disease develop leukemia in one of three ways – most often from a blood transfusion, most commonly from a mother with an inherited blood disorder and most commonly by means of a common genetic infection called HIV/AIDS. Leukemia is a killer and is responsible for more deaths in adults than any other type of cancer.
Two other common types of cancer in young adults include breast and cervical cancers. These two cancers affect the breasts and the cervix and can be diagnosed during routine mammography. The risk of contracting either breast or cervical cancer in the early stages of life is relatively low but for some reason has become more prevalent in certain age groups. Cervical cancer is by far the most deadly type of cancer in young adults.
The second most common type of cancer in adults happens to be lung cancer. This afflicts the lungs and is usually discovered during routine chest examinations. Most people with this disease die from secondary infections and are not directly related to asbestos exposure. There are two major forms of lung cancer in adults – adenocarcinoma and mesothelioma. Adenocarcinoma is most common in people who smoke and have a family history of this disease, while mesothelioma is most often associated with exposure to asbestos. Each of these two major forms of lung cancer has been found to be associated with exposure to some degree to asbestos and each of them can be treated accordingly.
One of the most common types of cancer that occurs in older adults is prostate cancer. It is usually detected when it is already advanced and has spread to other parts of the body. Prostate cancer is believed to be caused by a number of factors – the presence of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in the blood, genetics and exposure to carcinogens like asbestos. In fact studies have shown that black American men are more likely to develop this disease than European men and white American men are more likely to get this disease than Asian men. The good news here is that most prostate cancers are treatable and often the early stages can be managed with surgery and other options.
Another one of the main types of cancer that occurs in older adults is squamous cell lung cancer. This is also called smoker’s lung and has a number of different causes – some argue that tobacco use is the main cause while others claim that exposure to certain chemicals and pollutants in the environment plays a role. Squamous cell lung cancer occurs when the cancer cells invade the smooth muscle cells of the lungs and grow into malignant tumors. Treatment options are very limited for this type of cancer since most simply do not work and there is a high mortality rate. However, because it is a non-toxic form of cancer and it does not need to be surgically removed as it is found in the lining of the lungs, it can be somewhat controlled.
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