The subconscious is one of the most powerful aspects of our mind. It is an integral part of our personality, but only a tiny fraction of what is actually explored and talked about in the medical community. Just like you have an internal structure within your body, you have an invisible energetic structure that supports your physical being. What most people don’t realize is that by tapping into and using the power of the subconscious, you can strengthen this energetic structure to restore your body to its original state of health and balance.
In the past, doctors could only do “medicine” based treatments for diseases and ailments with the help of their hands or with the help of chemicals (such as Benadryl oryl) inserted through the nostrils into the nasal cavity. Today, we know that treating and healing the body is entirely possible with no intrusive procedures. Instead, there are techniques and tools which allow the mind to heal itself. These types of methods involve a person focusing his or her mind and energy on positive, constructive thoughts and visualizations which promote health. In turn, this promotes a stronger bodywork than can be accomplished with conventional medicine alone.
In addition to strengthening the body’s ability to heal itself through the mind, a person also has the ability to change his or her own behavior and become more proactive. This means that the mind has the power to create changes which manifest themselves in real, tangible ways in the body. This is because your thoughts create your reality. If you think you’re happy and healthy when you’re sad and sick, you’ll manifest that as an outward manifestation in your body.
So how do you know whether you’re making conscious decisions about your health or not? How can you know what your mind is telling you and what it’s doing to you? The answer to these questions is in the belief system that you have about your own self-worth and your overall well-being.
You have beliefs and affirmations all the time in your life. The subconscious, however, is more powerful. Because the subconscious has no language, it works with your beliefs and affirmations much more effectively than you realize. It is therefore important that you become consciously aware of your self-image, beliefs and self-talk and try to make conscious decisions about your body and mind every day.
This can begin by taking some time out each day to consciously reflect on your own self-image, your thoughts and your actions. For example, if you believe you are a thin person, you may want to start a new exercise regimen and increase your physical activity. You might want to focus on becoming more confident at work. Taking some time out to reflect on your life and the things that you’d like to change will help make your subconscious work for you.
Once you start to focus on your conscious decisions and the outcomes you seek, you’ll notice that things begin to fall into place. Your subconscious mind doesn’t just listen to your thoughts – it makes conscious decisions on the fly. Your words and your actions now have meaning. And that’s not the half of it. By making conscious decisions, you are exercising your mind so it can do the same for you.
And one of these things that you must do is to start trusting your own conscious voice. Your conscious mind is probably full of thoughts, ideas and emotions that don’t feel good about you. They conflict with your subconscious, causing your mind to fight them and keep them bottled up. The whole idea is that you are in control of your life, and you shouldn’t allow other people or circumstances to throw you away. Make it a point to choose what you want from your life and let your subconscious do its magic.
Oren Zarif – Psychokinesis Treatment