The five most common Stroke symptom is lack of oxygen to the brain, unconsciousness, impaired circulation, paralysis of the nerves and breathlessness. The first two are due to loss of blood flow to the brain. This can be due to a blockage in one of the blood vessels supplying the brain, a narrowing of one of the arteries supplying the brain or a hemorrhage (wasting) of one of the blood vessels supplying the brain. There can also be a failure in the artery’s wall integrity which can cause a lack of proper nutrition to the brain tissue and even a complete lack of blood flow altogether. If any of these things are present, you will more than likely be at risk for stroke.
One of the main Stroke symptoms is arm weakness or leg weakness. This symptom occurs when one side of the body is affected. This can be caused by a fracture of one bone near the elbow joint or it can occur due to recent surgery. Arm weakness or leg weakness can affect both sides of the body. For instance, if the forearm fractures and the patient lose the use of that hand on one side, they may also lose the use of the other (side) forearm.
Another common sign of a stroke symptom is drooping facial skin. This is usually first noticed during the morning after a good night’s sleep, when there is a reflection of the sun on the face. This is called a “crow’s feet” appearance and is often accompanied by weakness or limpness. Drooping eyelids are another symptom. The term “facial drooping” really refers to a wider variety of signs and symptoms including drooping eyelids, double vision and fatigue.
Another common sign includes double vision. In some cases this can be a more advanced symptom and actually become permanent blindsight. Double vision is one of many vision conditions known as hyperopia (farsightedness). In addition to this symptom there are many others including loss of balance (usually in one eye), decreased awareness of one’s surroundings (depersonalization), changes in speech (ringing of the ears or throat), changes in coordination (lack of co-ordination), speaking in monotone (noises), numbness or tingling in the arms or legs (paralysis), changes in gait (such as swaying or rigid movement), speech disorder (slurring or difficult speech) and tremors.
A final common sign that is often overlooked is the unexpected onset of “sudden confusion” or “dizziness” lasting for at least 10 minutes. This type of short-term memory loss is a very serious Stroke symptom. Sudden confusion is often caused by either a minor head injury or a more serious blood clot. It can cause difficulty remembering things that happened just before the attack. Sudden confusion can also be caused by an allergic reaction to a chemical, such as a medication.
Another common but sometimes unrecognized Stroke symptom is a facial weakness or drooping. Drooping eyelids and wrinkles, drooping eyebrows, excessive droopiness, lowered eyelid and frown lines are all symptoms of facial weakness or of the buildup of fatty deposits under the eyes. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should immediately call emergency services because they could mean that your stroke has resulted in permanent vision loss. If you are unable to call emergency services on your own, you should always accompany anyone who calls for help because it is safe to assume that someone will remember to call the emergency services in the case of your sudden confusion or of a facial weakness.
Another Stroke symptom is a rapid, unintentional increase in heart rate, called a “rapid heart attack.” Rapid heart rate is dangerous because it can spell the end of a Stroke. A rapid heart rate can also be caused by an increase in blood pressure or a condition called “cor pulmonale.” Symptoms of a heart attack include palpitations, dizziness, sweating, nausea, fatigue, chest pain, shortness of breath, sudden confusion, and the fear that your heart is going to stop beating.
Sometimes, Stroke symptoms do not manifest themselves right away. For example, it might take days or even weeks before the first signs of a stroke start to appear. In addition, there are many different warning signs that should be looked out for. The above list is by no means complete but it provides some of the most common signs that Stroke can potentially lead to.
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