Parkinson’s is a complex and degenerative disorder of the central nervous system. Its causes are not well understood. It was believed to have been brought on by a combination of hereditary factors and environmental insults. In the past, there was little that could be done to treat the disease other than monitoring the patients and their surroundings for changes that might occur. The advent of new technology and an explosion of research in the field of neurology has resulted in some new and useful treatments for Parkinson’s symptoms. Some of these treatments are now approved by the FDA.
Carbohydrates may help ease Parkinson’s symptoms. There is some evidence that sugar helps the body metabolize dopamine. This may help prevent Parkinson’s and aging from happening at the same time. A recent study involving mice and monkeys demonstrated that high-fat diets prevented the degeneration of nerve cells that is characteristic of Parkinson’s.
Another promising treatment for Parkinson’s is a compound called Ginkgo biloba extract. Preliminary findings showed that the antioxidant compound reduced the formation of a protein plaque that builds up in the brain and is one of the hallmarks of Parkinson’s disease. While more studies will need to be done, this initial finding provides hope that Ginkgo may be helpful for Parkinson’s sufferers. It is not clear how it works or whether it will work for each individual; however, doctors are optimistic about its potential benefits.
Other medications can also help control Parkinson’s symptoms. Lithium carbonate and calcium channel blockers are often prescribed for patients with Parkinson’s. These medications can help to control balance and muscular spasticity that occur in the disease. However, patients and families must be careful about the doses and the frequency of medication. Doctors should monitor the heart rate, blood pressure, and temperature of patients taking these medications. It is not uncommon for people to become pregnant while taking these medications and for complications to occur.
Other supplements that have helped ease Parkinson’s symptoms are vitamins, minerals, and herbs. A special blend of amino acids called L-carnitine was shown to reduce tremors and improve balance. Similarly, vitamins C and E have been shown to stabilize mood and relieve mental stress. Chinese herb Huang Qi, ginseng, and gingko biloba all have been used by traditional Chinese medicine to treat and improve Parkinson’s disease.
Another natural supplement that has helped ease Parkinson’s symptoms is St. John’s Wort. This herbal supplement has been shown to reduce tremors, improve motor function, and reduce the frustrating loss of muscle control associated with Parkinson’s disease. It is important to realize that this form of treatment can have some uncomfortable side effects. Some people experience headaches and stomachaches. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding are not recommended this particular herbal supplement.
Diet can also help ease Parkinson’s symptoms. A balance of calcium, magnesium, and potassium in the body can help stabilize Parkinson’s disease and ease some of its more severe symptoms. If there is a family history of Parkinson’s disease in the patient’s family, it is a good idea to see a doctor about getting the patient started on a nutritional diet. One of the simplest ways to control Parkinson’s symptoms is to take a walk daily. Exercise relieves stress and helps the patient to exercise while having fun.
Finally, another natural treatment that can be started after Parkinson’s symptoms begin to interfere is a course of antibiotics. These can be taken for short periods of time to treat the disease symptoms. Long-term use of antibiotics can cause some serious side effects such as stomach ulcers. In addition, antibiotics can cause one side of the brain to malfunction, causing problems with speech and swallowing.
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