MS Symptoms are constantly variable and sometimes unpredictable. One individual may experience just one or two of these possible symptoms yet another individual may experience several more. Occurrences tend to occur in roughly 80% of all affected individuals, can severely disrupt the ability to function normally at work and home, and can be the most prominent complaint in an individual who otherwise has few mobility limitations. MS is also not a form of arthritis but rather a neurological disorder that affects the central nervous system. It is a long lasting debilitating disease that often seems to be in remission for many years but then flares up suddenly.
MS is often accompanied by depression, which is sometimes even worse than the disease itself. Depression, which is associated with MS symptoms may include, but are not limited to depression over the fact that you can’t move your legs or arms anymore. There may also be depression related to your inability to enjoy any type of physical activity that you once found enjoyable such as sports or dance. The intensity of the depression varies from one person to another and is usually not felt as acutely as the depression would if you were experiencing not having the disease. Other symptoms of depression include, crying spells or persistent crying, feeling unworthy and isolated, being easily startled, having trouble concentrating, or even becoming suicidal.
Other common MS symptoms that tend to occur in multiple sclerosis patients are fatigue and weight gain. This fatigue is often described as a lack of energy, inability to concentrate, or one may feel as if their eyes are not properly focusing, while others may experience shortness of breath. Weight gain may be a result of swelling in the extremities (such as the hands and feet) or a decrease in muscle tone. Some other symptoms of MS that tend to occur more frequently in those who have MS include, mouth sores, seizures, uncontrollable shaking or other motor skills impairment, frequent urination, and memory loss.
While all of these symptoms may seem like a given for someone who has MS, there are ways to recognize the first signs of MS. If you are experiencing one or more of these symptoms and it is consistent, you should consult a physician. First signs of MS are typically characterized by a tremor of either one or both arms. Sometimes people will describe it as numbness, tingling, or muscle weakness in these first few first signs of MS.
Many people who have MS experience attacks of acute flurries of muscular weakness that can strike without warning. Attacks of this nature typically last no longer than ten minutes, but in some cases can last up to half an hour. This is known as a relapse, which can cause additional problems and put your already challenging life to even greater stress and strain. When relapses do occur there is usually an associated memory loss and it can affect the way people interact with others. In many cases there is a noticeable increase in the first few activities of a person suffering from a form of MS, such as speaking, writing, or working.
While MS is not contagious, the disease does tend to run in families. Certain geneticists believe that everyone with MS may also suffer from brain inflammation, called chronic diffuse sclerosis (CD sclerosis), also known as myelin. MS sufferers who also have CD might develop symptoms such as visual disturbances, decreased sense of balance, or trouble focusing.
Fatigue is often a very difficult aspect of MS. Patients commonly report difficulty sleeping and being unable to concentrate. MS fatigue is characterized by fatigue both mentally and physically. Physical fatigue is often caused by lack of energy, while mental fatigue can be caused by fatigue of the nervous system. It is not uncommon for MS patients to feel constantly tired and weak.
If you find that you are feeling fatigued or having other MS symptoms, you should go to your doctor to get me. The sooner you can diagnose your condition, the better your chances of successfully treating it. MS treatment options vary, depending on the severity of your symptoms. Your neurologist can give you an idea of which course of treatment may help you most.
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