Stroke Symptoms are different for every person with the disease. Stroke symptoms usually occur in the minutes or seconds following a stroke. Stroke symptoms are not life-threatening, but they do need immediate medical attention. Here are some common stroke symptoms:
Heart attack and stroke symptoms mostly affect people between the ages of 15 and 70. However, stroke symptoms can begin at any age. A person who has just suffered a stroke may experience mild to moderate numbness or tingling sensations, difficulty of swallowing, choking feeling, or leg cramps. Some people also experience dizziness or lightheadedness. Shortness of breath or sweating can also be part of the stroke symptoms.
Another type of stroke symptoms is called masking. This occurs when, instead of an audible warning signs, the sufferer experiences or notices a numbness, tingling, or itching sensation. The only symptom that will really happen suddenly is a pounding or throbbing pain in the chest. A stroke may also cause a fast or irregular heartbeat, chest pains, dizziness, lightheadedness, blurred vision, or difficulty making out words or seeing. Any or all of these signs can occur suddenly.
A heart attack or stroke symptoms is very dangerous. It often results in death within minutes. Stroke does not always occur in the same area or with the same sign. Stroke symptoms are always different. There are warning signs that a person might have a heart attack or stroke.
One of the most common stroke symptoms is the formation of blood clots in the brain. Blood clots occur from the injury caused to the blood vessels. One of the most common ways to form blood clots in the brain is through the buildup of cholesterol in the arteries. If there is not enough antiplatelet medication in the body, this can cause the formation of a blood clot in the brain.
Some other common signs of heart attacks and strokes are rapid or irregular heartbeat, sweating, nausea, dizziness, blurry vision, poor coordination, tightness in the chest, shortness of breath. Stroke symptoms may include the use of certain drugs such as antiplatelet drugs. Antiplatelet drugs to prevent blood clots from forming in the body. These clots sometimes get bigger and stick around longer than they should. In extreme cases, the clot can completely block the blood flow, which causes lightening of the skin and other problems.
Stroke symptoms are often overlooked due to their inconspicuous nature. There are other symptoms that occur due to brain damage that are not as easily detected. Headaches, vomiting, diarrhea and constipation are all common side-effects of brain damage. While these symptoms are less likely to be life-threatening, they are still worth mentioning. It is important to notify anyone who sees a medical professional that there is a possibility that there could be further damage to the body from the stroke.
Stroke Symptoms can vary depending on where in the body the stroke occurs. If the blood flow to an arm is blocked, the symptoms will be quite different than if it were occurring in the brain. It is important that anyone who notices any of the above symptoms seek out a doctor to determine if there is a serious problem. By getting an early diagnosis, the doctor can treat the condition before it gets out of control.
A CT scan or MRI can be ordered to help determine what the cause of the problem is. The doctor will be able to find out what type of physical damage occurred and how extensive it is. It will then be up to them to make the proper treatment. Sometimes, simply taking medication can be enough to stop the bleeding, but it can sometimes take much more. There are many cases when a piece of equipment that was used to treat the patient during the actual stroke has to be replaced due to damage from the clot.
Stroke Symptoms are something that can be hard to miss. They will be present along with a number of other symptoms that often occur in conjunction with the stroke. It will be important to notify everyone that one is having a stroke if that person needs to undergo any kind of significant medical treatment. By alerting everyone to the possibility of long-term vision problems, prompt treatment can be administered.
Stroke Symptoms are usually not something that will cause too much of a problem for anyone. However, it can be crucial to get prompt treatment if they are noticed. People who have had strokes of this type are still capable of living quite comfortably once they are released from hospital care. However, those who have suffered them more than a few times may find that their vision has been impaired for life. Caution should always be used whenever someone is struggling with sudden or unusual problems with their vision.
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