Stroke symptom is a problem that occurs in a person after he or she has suffered a stroke. In many cases, it takes some time before the stroke symptoms become apparent. Some of the most common signs and symptoms include headache, clumsiness, loss of balance, paralysis of specific body parts such as the arms and legs, difficulty speaking, and difficulty swallowing. These symptoms are commonly mistaken for the common cold or flu but should not be treated lightly, since they could be symptoms of another illness.
One common sign of a stroke symptom is loss of balance. This happens when the brain cannot move enough due to brain inflammation and the result is a loss of balance. This symptom may not affect an individual’s walking or speaking skills. However, leg weakness is usually one of the results. A stroke patient may be experiencing leg weakness because his blood pressure and heart rate have fallen and there is less oxygen to the brain.
Headache is another sign of a stroke symptom. Sometimes the pain is in only one side of the head and at other times it comes in waves. The intensity of the headache usually increases with time. In addition, sometimes dizziness occurs as a side effect of the headache. Sometimes this occurs along with other symptoms of a stroke.
Another sign of a brain stroke is a change in the color or bluish tint to the vision. The eyes tend to look cloudy or watery. Another symptom is difficulty seeing movement to the left or right of the eyes. When this occurs, the person may turn his or her head to the left or right. Clumsiness in the movement of the eyes can be a leading cause because it makes it difficult to focus on an object.
Claudication is one of the more serious complications that can occur from a brain hemorrhage. This is when the blood supply to the brain is cut off. The brain can still take up nutrients from the blood but it cannot receive oxygen. Symptoms of a stroke brought about by Claudication include seizures and a rapid and irregular heart beat. A fall or a break of a blood vessel to the brain can also lead to dizziness, confusion and loss of consciousness.
Balance problems and nausea are less common symptoms of a stroke. Balance problems can be caused by postural abnormalities. Nausea is caused by acid reflux from the stomach. Less common symptoms include sweating and swallowing.
Loss of vision is a very serious complication of strokes. Symptoms of a loss of vision can include blurred vision and severe eye pain. Symptoms such as these need to be seen by a doctor right away. Your doctor will perform a simple visual test to determine if you have lost your ability to see. Sometimes just seeing the letters of the alphabet can be a sign of a stroke.
These are some of the signs that can be associated with strokes. Stroke symptoms can appear suddenly and without warning. If you experience any of these symptoms of a stroke, you should make an appointment with your doctor. They can help you understand what they mean and provide the proper treatment.
Weakness is also one of the signs that a stroke may be occurring. Weakness in the muscles, weakness in the ligaments or weak tendons, and problems with coordination are all signs of weakness in the body. If you notice any of these problems, you should try to see if you can improve your condition. Some of these conditions are more likely to be treatable than others are.
Another sign that your stroke may be occurring is the onset of a severe headache. A severe headache is usually accompanied by nausea and vomiting, which can signal an infection in the area. Another sign of a severe headache is severe nausea. Headaches and nausea occur together more often than with either vomiting or diarrhea. Severe headache can be identified by asking your doctor for a headache diary. A headache diary records the frequency and severity of headaches and nausea occurring during the week.
One of the most common symptoms is loss of balance or difficulty walking. If your balance is suddenly not good, or you find that you are having trouble walking for no apparent reason, then this may be an indication of a stroke. Another sign of a stroke that is very similar to losing your balance is numbness in your extremities. Numbness is also associated with coughing and pneumonia, so if you experience both of these symptoms, it is wise to visit your doctor immediately.
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