Stroke symptom is a term used to describe any changes in the functioning of the brain after a stroke. These changes cause a variety of problems including memory loss, paralysis of specific limbs, and even death. While these symptoms are serious, they can be overcome with treatment and a little knowledge of what can happen to your brain if you have a stroke.
The most common stroke symptom is difficulty speaking or understanding speech. If you have slurred speech, it can mean that you can only talk at very loud volumes. Slurred speech can be associated with a severe headache as well. Another symptom is a severe headache that comes on and then usually goes away without warning. If you have trouble speaking or understanding speech after a stroke, it is important to make sure that you visit your doctor so that you can get the treatment you need.
Another of the symptoms that people may experience is drooping eyelids. This is one of the most serious Stroke symptom signs because it suggests that the patient may have blocked blood flow to the area of the brain that controls facial muscles. Signs of a depressed facial skin can also be indicative of a stroke. If you see drooping eyelids or a depressed skin around the eyes, you should get to your doctor right away to find out if you may be suffering from a stroke.
A good part of having acute stroke recognition is the use of symptom knowledge. As you know many of the symptoms of a stroke will be similar to those of a stroke. This is why it is so important to keep track of any new symptoms that you might experience. If you notice that you are feeling like you are not able to do things that you once did you need to make sure that you do report this to your doctor so that they can find out if you are experiencing an acute stroke symptom.
The first symptoms that you will have will be those of weakness in one side of the body. This is called a bradykinesia and it usually occurs first within the area of the visual motor area. This weakness in either side of the body will typically manifest itself as problems with walking, balance or tingling in the hands or feet. In more severe cases you might experience problems with standing up. Another symptom that will appear first is loss of coordination.
Stroke symptoms can affect the way that you perform physical tasks. Some of the symptoms that will present themselves include swelling and bruising, dizziness, slowed thinking, reduced sense of taste and smell, numbness, pain or stiffness in the arms or legs, and difficulty breathing. All of these symptoms can be very debilitating and limit a person’s ability to live a normal life. If you notice any of these symptoms it is important to contact your doctor right away so that they can set up an appointment to have your blood pressure taken, perform a complete eye examination and perform blood clot blood flow testing.
Stroke recovery times vary and you will find that the earlier the treatment the better. Stroke sufferers are encouraged to stay active and to exercise regularly. Along with exercise you should start implementing dietary changes that will aid in healing. The acronym fast is: keep moving, eat healthy, get plenty of rest, get lots of sunlight.
One of the more common symptoms is a tingling or numbness in the arm or the side of the face. The severity of this symptom will vary. A less severe stroke victim may only feel a mild tingling sensation while a more severely affected stroke victim will likely feel a tingling/numbness on both sides of the arm with weakness in the wrist. If you notice any of the earlier signs of a stroke, it is important to contact your doctor right away. Stroke symptoms can be extremely disabling and they can affect how you can perform most daily tasks.
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