Parkinson’s is a disease that affects the central nervous system. It causes loss of movement, and eventually total disability. The loss of movement results in uncontrolled shaking, tremor, rigidity, and slurred speech. Parkinson’s Symptoms include difficulty with both walking and climbing stairs. Other symptoms include uncontrolled muscle twitching, which can result in stiffness or even paralysis.
Parkinson’s symptoms often develop gradually. The first few weeks may seem normal, but as the disease progresses the first symptoms may include difficulty with holding up straight, with speech patterns not being able to be formed, and becoming unable to control bowel and bladder movements. Later stages of the disease can result in uncontrollable shaking, muscle rigidity, and severe facial disfigurement. There are three main classifications of Parkinson’s:
There is no cure for Parkinson’s disease but there are several treatments available for it. One way to treat the symptoms is through the use of dopamine-releasing medication. This type of treatment, which is taken orally, produces dopamine, an important chemical in the brain. In later stages of Parkinson’s, a patient will likely require deep brain stimulation.
Deep brain stimulation is used to treat severe cases of Parkinson’s disease. Deep brain stimulation uses radio waves to stimulate nerve cells in the brain. The brain operates using electrical signals and these waves help to make the brain respond more quickly to certain situations. By using deep brain stimulation, the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease can be alleviated and the patient will have better muscle tone and control.
Another treatment for Parkinson’s is with a drug called betablocker acid. This medication helps control tremors and muscle spasms and is taken orally. It is sometimes combined with dopamine-releasing medication to produce an even more responsive Parkinson’s treatment. These medications are often given to treat patients whose symptoms worsen due to other medical conditions.
Certain dietary supplements have been suggested as ways of treating Parkinson’s symptoms. A Chinese herb called Ginkgo biloba seems to be beneficial for both treating the symptoms of Parkinson’s and for reducing tremor and rigidity of some of the motor symptoms. Regular consumption of this herb helps to improve circulation in the brain and improves overall brain health. In studies it has shown a reduction in the levels of cholesterol and lipids that cause inflammation of the brain. This decreases the risks of heart disease as well.
Limiting exposure to lights or sounds that irritate the nervous system has also been suggested as another way of treating Parkinson’s symptoms. Parkinson’s is a hereditary condition and studies have shown a link between people who have Parkinson’s and elderly relatives who experience early onset dementia. These studies suggest that elderly relatives may suffer from dementia because of the damage done to their brains from the Parkinson’s disease. Limiting their exposure to lights, sounds and odors can help prevent these problems from happening. It is thought that poor nutrition also plays a part in Parkinson’s disease since it impedes the brain’s ability to absorb nutrients. Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables may help improve the brain’s function and possibly prevent Parkinson’s.
Although there are many treatments for Parkinson’s, it is important to try to avoid becoming too dependent on any one particular treatment. This disease is a slow moving one treatment does not stop all the symptoms. Combination medication can be helpful in managing the movement disorder and can help control the disease so that you don’t have to deal with the awful side effects.
Another way to manage the symptoms of Parkinson’s is to take care of yourself. A balanced diet, adequate exercise and rest are important to controlling the disease progresses. Avoid taking large amounts of caffeine and alcohol, since these can aggravate symptoms. Many people think that medication will help control the movement but it is only one side of the coin.
One type of medication that has been effective in treating Parkinson’s symptoms is leupeptin. Leupefin is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) that has been shown to maintain normal levels of dopamine in the brain. The medication works by regulating how serotonin and dopamine are absorbed in the brain. Levodopa is the most common type of leupeptin prescribed for Parkinson’s patients.
Medications are one way to help treat symptoms of Parkinson’s, but don’t rely on them alone. A balanced diet, exercise and a change in lifestyle are just as important. It is important to keep your body and mind in a healthy condition so that your brain has no difficulty controlling movement and maintaining a healthy balance of brain dopamine.
Oren Zarif – Psychokinesis Treatment