Parkinson’s is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system. It is one of the many diseases that are caused due to the loss of dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is essential for the movement of muscles and brain. The dopamine produces chemicals known as dopamine that is responsible for the feelings and actions related to movement, such as the gait and coordination.
There are many symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. The most common symptoms of Parkinson’s disease are: tremor, rigidity, slowing of movement, body rigidity, and loss of balance. People with Parkinson’s disease have problems with their movement, which affects their ability to get themselves around. Some other symptoms of Parkinson’s include: fatigue, lack of concentration and trouble with memory, difficulty with speech, and stiffness of muscles.
In order to detect the beginning stages of Parkinson’s disease, medical history is very important. A doctor will ask about the medication that you are taking, the amount of exercise you are doing, any symptoms of arthritis type of condition, and your family medical history. Since each person has their own unique medical history, you may not know if your symptoms are of Parkinson’s or some other neurologic disease. These days there are several websites available on the internet, which can help to monitor your personal medical history and find out if your symptoms may be Parkinson’s.
Many people experience stiffness of muscles as a symptom of Parkinson’s disease. This stiffness may be experienced in the muscles of the legs, arms, or trunk. The stiffness is similar to that which occurs with arthritic conditions and is often described as similar to stiffness or tightness of muscles. Another difference between the two is that arthritis is characterized by swelling, while Parkinson’s is not.
One of the early symptoms of Parkinson’s disease is the inability to move easily. Many people have trouble getting up from a seated position or reaching toward items close to them. Other symptoms include wobbling when walking or stopping abruptly and not being able to balance on one foot. One of the early symptoms can also include holding one or both of your arms at an odd angle. This abnormal position can affect one hand or both hands, causing difficulty in picking things up.
Some other symptoms of Parkinson’s disease are depression, poor impulse control, and feeling restless or easily frustrated. In addition, the disorder can cause an uncontrolled fondness for music, unusual sexual behavior, and a loss of appetite. If any of these negative feelings become intense and overwhelming for you, it is a good chance that you may have Parkinson’s. Your doctor will need to run some tests to confirm your suspicions, such as performing a brain scan or doing a nerve conduction study. Once these tests are done, you will be provided with additional information regarding your Parkinson’s symptoms.
There are several medications that your doctor may suggest to help ease your Parkinson’s symptoms. It is important that you discuss which medications you prefer with your doctor. Medications can either be taken by mouth, taken via a dropper, or a combination of the two. This will depend on your preference and the side effects that you may experience. However, it is important to remember that medications are only one way of treating Parkinson’s disease.
Your doctor may also recommend physical therapy in order to relieve your Parkinson’s symptoms. This type of therapy is often used along with medications in order to stop the progression of the disease. The goal of physical therapy is to control tremors and improve muscle tone. It is also used to improve motor coordination and movement. This therapy can be very helpful to patients that have already started experiencing the first stages of Parkinson’s.
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