MS Symptoms can range from annoying to debilitating. Some of the most frequent symptoms of multiple sclerosis are: dry eyes, stiff muscles, decreased vision problems, numbness or tingling sensations (sometimes even a little like needles and pins), pain, headaches, fatigue, and irritability. MS symptoms constantly change over time and can come and go. They may be fairly mild or much more serious. MS is caused by a faulty immune system attacking the brain or spinal cord on purpose.
MS commonly affects the head, but can affect the rest of the body as well. The nerves in the brain are not always affected the same way they are in other organs. This means that MS symptoms do not always point directly to the disease. The pain and other sensory disturbances that people experience may actually be the result of different problems elsewhere in the body. That’s why sometimes it takes doctors a little time to really find out what is going on.
However, there are some early signs of multiple sclerosis that you can look for in order to help detect the disease. People who have been experiencing MS symptoms for a long time are particularly prone to having certain warning signs. These symptoms may not be associated with MS. The following are some of the more common early signs of multiple sclerosis symptoms. If someone mentions or shows you these symptoms, make an appointment with your doctor right away.
Dry eyes. MS sufferers frequently complain about having dry, itchy eyes. Sometimes this is simply the case – when your eyes are itchy, it is likely just the part of the eyelids getting itchy. Other times, however, the dryness may be a sign of a relapse of MS: the dry eye condition is often a sign of a breakdown in the blood vessels near the eyes, causing a loss of moisture and thus leading to dry eyes.
Tingling and numbness in the extremities. MS sufferers report various degrees of tingling and numbness in different parts of their bodies. The sensations can range from a tight, pricking sensation in the fingers to a pins and needles feeling in the feet. Numbness can also be a common symptom of multiple sclerosis, as the body tries to compensate for the loss of sensation by generating less sensation in the affected areas. A less severe case of numbness in the extremities may simply be caused by lack of exposure to heat or cold.
Depression. MS often leads to a state of depression, characterized by feelings of fatigue, lack of concentration and a pessimistic attitude toward everything. MS-related fatigue may include fatigue brought on by sleep problems, and depression-related fatigue may include depression and stress brought about by the symptoms of MS. Other possible depression-related symptoms include having trouble concentrating and remembering things, and having trouble concentrating or remembering things. These feelings, coupled with changes in physical appearance (such as losing hair, getting larger wrinkles, developing dry skin or muscle weakness), could be a sign of depression that should not be ignored.
Loss of balance and coordination. MS often causes a loss of balance and coordination. This includes difficulty walking, sitting, standing and walking oneself. In addition, many people with MS find it difficult to read, write and coordinate with others, which makes them less mobile than other people, making their impairment more obvious to others.
Fluid retention. MS sufferers may exhibit a common symptom of having low urine volumes. When MS lowers the level of myelin, the result can be a bladder that is difficult to hold and can lead to the frequent need to urinate.
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