MS symptoms can begin to appear several years before someone actually has MS. The first signs of MS are usually mental. A person with MS may begin to experience difficulty with fine motor movements and control, including aspects of speech. Some of the more common physical MS symptoms are listed below. Both muscle spasms and stiffness are very common MS symptoms, which are often defined as ‘spasticity’ in the muscles.
Spasticity can occur suddenly and disappear just as swiftly, without ever being identified as a symptom of MS. When the condition is suspected, the doctor usually begins with a battery of tests to rule out or confirm the existence of other health problems such as strokes or nerve damage. Once these MS symptoms are ruled out, the focus turns to treating the spasticity. There are many different methods for treating MS stiffness, with the most commonly used methods involving medications, patches, or interferon injections.
MS pain can also be associated with other factors, such as fatigue, depression, irritability, or lack of concentration, therefore it is particularly important that MS sufferers see their doctor regularly for assessments of their illness and to discuss treatments that might help them control their MS pain and other symptoms. MS pain can often be worsened by sun exposure, so it is essential that those with MS avoid prolonged sun exposure. Doctors recommend that patients with MS make sure they use an umbrella and wear protective clothing during prolonged sun exposure. Patients should also use high quality sunscreen that will block both UV rays and UVA rays. This will greatly reduce the possibility of developing skin cancer or other serious health issues as a result of prolonged sun exposure. It is extremely important for people who use outdoor equipment such as ladders, walkers, or scooters to ensure that they use appropriate safety equipment to protect themselves from the risk of developing cancer as a result of UV exposure.
MS pain and other symptoms can also be aggravating due to dehydration, which is usually experienced when a patient has an extended period of inactivity. Dehydration can occur when a person has to stay inside for extended periods of time without taking in any liquid, which may include vomiting, diarrhea, or even insufficient water to drink. MS pain can also be aggravated due to muscle spasms due to dehydration, which can lead to further complications if the person is left untreated. Muscle spasms can affect multiple body systems and lead to pain, tingling, and muscle weakness, which can make it difficult for a person to engage in normal physical activities. Dehydration is extremely common in MS sufferers, which makes it especially important for patients to seek medical attention when they are experiencing muscle spasms.
The first signs of MS typically manifest on the arms, legs, and face. These first signs of MS typically show up shortly after a person becomes immobile, which is usually when a person is resting. There is not one specific test for determining MS symptoms at this point, but there are a number of symptoms that can appear simultaneously. These first signs of MS may manifest themselves in ways that are similar to those seen with conditions such as stroke and heart disease.
Many people experience initial MS symptoms that do not involve the central nervous system at all. In addition, many people also experience side effects that have their roots in the central nervous system. As a result, these symptoms can often times be confused with the more serious medical conditions that can accompany MS. However, treatment for MS will focus on eliminating symptoms and addressing the underlying causes of the disease, not the side effects that often accompany many of the medicines that are prescribed for treating MS. Unfortunately, many doctors fail to realize that the most effective treatments do not include the use of numerous over the counter drugs, but rather focus on reducing inflammation and increasing oxygenation in the body in order to ease the pressure that is placed on the brain, which in turn can alleviate the many symptoms of MS.
One of the first signs of MS that doctors look for are loss of muscle coordination, a lack of balance, difficulty walking, stiffness of joints, numbness, and tingling in the extremities. Another of the early signs of MS that many people experience is fatigue. People who have multiple sclerosis symptoms often report being unable to function the way that they did before they first noticed any problems. Fatigue may be a particularly difficult symptom to treat since it often involves changes in the way that an individual eats, works, or sleeps. In addition, other possible fatigue symptoms include depression and anxiety, two common conditions that can accompany MS.
Another sign of MS that many people experience is a decreased taste in taste and smell. Since taste and smell are part of the response system of the body, these two symptoms may represent early symptoms of MS. Other possible MS symptom indicators include diarrhea and constipation, two symptoms that affect the digestive system, which MS can often times lead to. While MS symptoms can be confusing, two people who experience the same symptoms may actually have two different types of MS.
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