MS symptoms are very unpredictable and variable. One person may experience just one or few of the possible signs while another individual may experience more. Occurs in just about 80% of all individuals, can severely disrupt the ability to function normally in day-to-day life and at work, and can be the most prominent sign in an individual who otherwise has few mobility limitations. MS is also a chronic disorder and therefore affects an individual over a period of time, and even when they have remission from other illnesses. MS is not contagious, but the condition is often mild and is not considered to be a threat to one’s health.
MS symptoms can include a number of things that affect the nerves in the brain and central nervous system. MS numbness, tingling and a loss of muscle control, difficulty with concentration and memory loss, speech problems, loss of bladder or bowel control, balance problems, weakness in the muscles, blurred vision, and weakness in the jaw, arm, legs, or trunk are all typical MS symptoms. MS sufferers will often find that their symptoms worsen as the day passes and can be very disabling to the individual.
MS symptoms may start gradually and be more mild than other similar diseases like arthritis or fibromyalgia. When the MS numbness or tingling starts, it is often just one part of the arm or one area of the face, and one person may experience it for weeks or even months at a time. Most individuals do recognize the early signs of multiple sclerosis, but sometimes these signs are not recognized by other family members or medical professionals. However, these early signs can be the first indications of MS that should be examined by a physician.
MS symptoms may start suddenly and involve one area of the body or several at one time. Some MS sufferers may experience weakness in their muscles and may become unable to walk for a period of time. They may experience problems with sexual function, including impotence or erectile dysfunction, and some MS sufferers have lost the ability to get an erection or maintain one.
MS relapses are another MS symptom that may vary in terms of frequency, severity and impact. MS relapses may include sudden, inexplicable loss of energy or bladder or bowel control. These MS symptoms can also include a series of relapses that occur over a period of days or months. Some MS relapses may involve the onset of new symptoms that repeat themselves over again. MS relapses that involve symptoms that repeat themselves over again are called relapsing remitting MS symptoms.
MS symptoms can be a major setback in the lives of MS sufferers. They can interfere with working, social, psychological and emotional well-being and can cause a reduction in quality of life. The most serious MS symptoms that can worsen are double vision, which is characterized by a condition where one eye is stronger than the other or if the eye is damaged. MS can worsen as the disease progresses, which may lead to vision loss.
Double vision is often the first MS symptom noticed by patients and can further complicate the disease. This symptom can result in difficulty in reading or seeing images and can also cause double vision in one eye. Double vision, coupled with other impairments of vision can lead to a reduction in visual field, which can cause the patient to have problems seeing detail or fine movement of objects. Dizziness and fatigue are also common MS symptoms that can make walking, getting dressed and even reaching things more difficult. Fatigue can reduce alertness, leaving people more prone to triggers and more prone to fatigue.
MS has a tendency to disrupt and change the functions of the central nervous system, which can result in depression, emotional changes and physical pain. Tremor is another symptom that can occur along with fatigue and affects specific body parts. MS tremor can affect the hand or arm, but is most commonly a disease that affects the legs. It is characterized by a stiffening or trembling and can be seen as a flicker or wave motion, which makes it difficult for a patient to control. MS tremor can also cause loss of balance and difficulty when picking something up.
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