Liver cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in humans. It can start out in any organ, but most often develops in the liver because it is the largest organ. Most cases are of primary liver cancer. Primary liver cancer begins in the liver, typically leading to metastatic liver cancer. Risk factors associated with primary liver cancer are having a history of hepatitis B or C and/or having cirrhosis, or extensive scarring of the liver caused by past trauma or chemotherapy.
The symptoms for liver cancer are usually very similar to those for other types of cancers, although they can be different in some cases. They include, abdominal pain, jaundice, loss of appetite, nausea, and weight loss. There are two types of liver cancer: Primary and secondary. In primary cancer, there is no spread of cancer to other organs. The cancer usually develops slowly, over years.
In secondary liver cancer, some of the symptoms can be indicating that there are existing tumors. If these tumors are malignant, they will have spread to other parts of your body and possibly to your lymph nodes. Because of the increased risk of secondary cancer, people with symptoms of existing tumors may have a high survival rate. In this type of cancer, there is a much higher incidence of death from other diseases. But survival from this cancer is improving year after year.
Hepatic carcinoma is a cancer that develops in your liver if you have cirrhosis, a history of hepatitis B or C in your family, or if you have had a previous operation involving a resection of the hepatic artery. Some tumors will continue to grow, while others will shrink back. The type of tumor that grows is dependent upon the type of cancer that it is and also the severity. An overgrowth of fibrosarcomas is associated with a high-grade glomerular tumor. However, all other types of tumors have a grade that ranges from mildly effective to moderately effective.
Radiation therapy is used to treat patients who have primary liver cancer. After surgery, radiotherapy or ionization therapy is used to kill malignant cells and shrink tumors. The side effects include minor fatigue, vomiting, nausea and swelling at the site of surgery. There are a few risks to radiation therapy. One of them is an increased risk of developing cancer in the bladder, pancreas, kidney or bone (osteoporosis).
Some patients who have alcohol use disorders develop cirrhosis of the liver as well. Cirrhosis of the liver is a condition where scar tissues form within the liver cell itself. The symptoms include a yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes. When a person has a history of alcohol use disorder, there is a good chance that he might develop cirrhosis. Alcohol use and cirrhosis are strongly related.
There is another type of liver cancer called hepatic intraepithelial neoplasia (HIPS) and it is mainly caused by genetic defects, exposure to drugs and radiation therapy for cancer treatment. A gene called the APOA five-alpha-reductase has been identified as one of the risk factors of HIPS. If this enzyme is damaged or deleted, there is a high chance of developing cirrhosis or liver cancer. There is no cure for HIPS.
In general, there is a high survival rate for people with cirrhosis of the liver cancer. Age is not a factor because the symptoms of both hemochromatosis and cirrhosis start to deteriorate at approximately the same age. If symptoms are not present, the survival rate for patients with cirrhosis is about seventy percent. On the other hand, if symptoms are present, the survival rate for patients with hemochromatosis is about fifteen percent.
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