There are different types of cancers that affect people at different ages and in different ways. For example, childhood cancers are the result of abnormal growths (self-diagnosis) of cells from the bone marrow or the lining of the reproductive organs such as the bladder or uterus. They usually appear during adolescence and early adulthood and are most common in men. The most common type of childhood cancer is lung cancer.
Leukemia is a disease that affects infants and children. It occurs mostly in adults and most of the victims are adults over age 50. This is also a type of childhood cancer, but it is more commonly found in males than in females. Breast cancer is the second most common type of cancer among adults, although it is uncommon in children. It accounts for about 5% of all cancer cases in both children and adults.
Prostate cancer is a disease affecting both men and women, usually after they have reached menopause. It is the second most common cancer among adults. While most prostate cancers are slow-growing and rarely ever present symptoms, there are some that grow fast and have symptoms. Some risk factors for developing cancer of the prostate include having a family history of this condition, having multiple sex partners, being older than 50 years old, and having a poor diet and not exercising on a regular basis. People who engage in sexually transmitted diseases are also at greater risk of developing this condition.
Another type of childhood cancer is bone cancer, which usually occurs in younger children than older children. This condition develops slowly and leaves no signs or symptoms. However, some types of bone cancers can be detected by imaging tests. Two major groups of bone cancers are osteosarcoma and nephroma.
Lymphoma is a cancer that usually occurs in older adults and those with an overall unhealthy health. Symptoms of lymphoma include pain in the affected area, swelling, redness, and warmth in the surrounding tissues. Most cases of lymphoma are non-cancerous and curable, although at times they may have cancerous cells. Lymphomas usually occur in the lymphatic system and tend to not spread beyond the lymphatic system. One of the most common causes of lymphomas is exposure to asbestos.
Leukemia is the most common of all childhood and adult cancers. It is a disease where the body’s white blood cells, called lymphocytes, attack healthy tissue. The most common symptom of leukemia is a constant redness of the skin and increased pain in the area. Leukemia mostly occurs in children and tends to cause less severity of symptoms compared to other common cancers. Approximately one in each million people in the United States alone are diagnosed with leukemia each year. The majority of cases of leukemia are related to infections and the disease tends to run in families.
The three main types of cancer are lung, prostate, and breast cancer. Each type of cancer has a different risk factor according to environmental exposure, genetic predisposition, and risk factors unique to a person. All cancers are considered to be better than the normal ones, and when detected early enough they can easily be cured. The treatment options for all types of cancer remain very similar to that of curing any other common cancer, such as radiation, chemotherapy, surgery, and immune suppressants.
All three common types of cancers are more common among black and Hispanic young adults than among white or Asian young adults. Studies show that people who have a family history of cancer are more likely to develop it themselves. Risk factors for all types of cancer are based on age, gender, ethnicity, and environmental exposure, although exact numbers are hard to determine because many types of cancer are more likely to affect certain groups of people than others. Treatment options for all types of cancer are currently available and work very well for most patients.
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