Cancer is not uncommon in younger adults, however a number of different cancer types can arise in this highly fertile age group, which makes treating these particular cancers difficult. Unfortunately, the majority of cancers happen in elderly adults. The most common cancers in elderly individuals are lung, skin, colon and bladder cancer. Additionally, you are much more likely to contract cancer of the bladder or prostate if you are male. In fact, men are twice as likely to contract a form of cancer that causes a tumor as women, according to statistics.
Cancer research has revealed many different types of cancers that affect the elderly, both in relation to age and race/ ethnicity. One of the most common forms of cancer found in the elderly is lung cancer, which often affects people over 70. In fact, African Americans have the highest rate of lung cancer of any racial/ethnic group. While there are differences in lung cancer survival rates across age groups, there are also differences in the types of treatment available for different types of lung cancer.
Other common forms of cancer in the elderly include gastrointestinal cancers, oral cancer, cervical cancer, kidney cancer, leukemia, and lymphoma. It should be noted that all of these cancers can occur simultaneously, even though they do occur at different times. Some types of cancers are more likely to occur during certain periods of your life compared to others.
Many of the common types of cancer that affect adults have a tendency to occur more frequently in those who smoke cigarettes compared to those who do not smoke. Moreover, people who are heavier are at a greater risk of developing some types of cancers. Additionally, those who are overweight tend to live longer than those who are of a normal weight. As you can see, some of these types of cancers can occur even in otherwise healthy adults who smoke or are overweight.
One of the more surprising forms of cancer is non-Hodgkins lymphoma, or NCL. NCL is a combination of several different types of cancer; it can be extremely serious or it can be mild. NCL is most commonly found in younger children but it has also been reported in adults. Many of the symptoms of non-Hodgkins lymphoma are similar to other forms of non-Hodgkins lymphoma including flu-like symptoms and constant fatigue.
Some of the forms of childhood cancers that adults can face are lymphomas, bone tumors, and retinal inflammations. Lymphomas, or cancer of the lymphatic system, is the second most common type of childhood cancer in adults. Lymphomas can occur anywhere on the body, although most occur on the hands and feet. They can spread if they are left untreated or if the cancer spreads to other parts of the body. Bone tumors and retinal inflammations are most commonly associated with adult types of childhood cancers, and while they can occur at any age, they are particularly common in younger children.
There are several types of leukemia, one of which is Benign non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Benign lymphomas, however, can occur at any age. Some of the other types of leukemia that adults can face are lymphocytic, lymphatic, myelogenous, and transplant cell leukemia. The lymphoma affects the bone marrow, causing it to function improperly.
There are many more common types of cancers among adults in the United States. While most of these types are not particularly harmful to an individual, some can be fatal. Leukemia, for example, is one of the most common types of cancer and accounts for over three thousand deaths annually. Other common types of leukemias include Hodgkin’s disease, multiple myeloma, patellar chondromalacia, scleroderma, myelodysplasia, polycystic mesothelioma, and glandular carcinoma.
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