Treatment with the subconscious method Oren Zarif
The subconscious can heal the body and reverses many diseases and ailments. Many people have heard of the power of the subconscious mind and how it has the potential to cure illnesses. However, very few know just how the subconscious can heal the body or why it heals the body at all. Let’s take a closer look at the healing potential of the subconscious.
The subconscious is a highly sensitive part of our brain. It is constantly receiving positive ions from various different sources around us. When these ions to flood into the subconscious, they tend to activate various healing mechanisms within the subconscious. The role of the subconscious in our overall well being is quite profound, but there are still a few things we need to understand about how it works.
The reason why the subconscious can heal the body lies in the fact that it uses a sort of “boiler room” for our minds. Our conscious minds are constantly filtering negative ions into the bloodstream through breathing, talking, and thinking. We even send these negative ions back out to the universe through feelings and emotions. The subconscious does not have this same mechanism built in. However, it does process information sent to it by our conscious minds in much the same way. For this reason, it is able to heal the body through its own means.
Treatment with the subconscious method Oren Zarif
Because our minds filter out so much negative information, our bodies are left with a constant internal drumbeat of negative ions. In order to heal ourselves, we have to allow the positive ions to flow freely through us. By practicing deep breathing, meditation, positive affirmation, and other relaxation techniques, we can allow the positive ions to enter our bodies. Once they do, it is much easier for them to begin to break down the layers of scar tissue and other physical problems.
Although the mind is very powerful, many people underestimate its abilities. For this reason, when the body begins to show signs of neglect or when negative energies begin to fill the mind, it can take the help of the subconscious to help the mind to gain strength and self-confidence. In fact, many psychics believe that the subconscious is capable of healing itself. By focusing on the subconscious, a psychic can often find ways to increase self-confidence and eliminate negativity from the mind.
As previously mentioned, the subconscious stores vast stores of information. Much of this information deals with our childhood. During our childhood, our parents and teachers played a large role in our development. Through these experiences, negative ions and memories were left in the subconscious for years. Although not everyone remembers every single thing that happened during their childhood, as we age, the subconscious begins to recognize patterns and can sometimes heal itself of the effects of forgetting.
A simple example of how the subconscious can heal the body is through sleep. Many people do not realize that sleep is one of the most important aspects in recovering from any type of illness. When the body is not well rested, it is much harder for it to fight off disease. The subconscious also knows when it is not rested well that something is wrong. It begins to retrieve the memory of the illness or trauma and embed it in the subconscious.
Another way how the subconscious can heal the body is through hypnosis. This is when the hypnotist works with the subconscious in order to change its behavior and draw back negativity from the mind. The subconscious knows when it is treated with kindness and respect and when it is abused and neglected. By using hypnosis properly, the subconscious can become more positive and receptive to treatment.